Saturday, December 1, 2012

Also Pretty Good, Though

From the opposite direction, I did well yesterday for us.

We went out to Thai food at a little family run place we love and talked and ate. I was trying to get Chael to have a conversation about the move, unsuccessfully. It's like pulling teeth. It's not that he's being intentionally difficult or that he's generally bad communicating... It's just that he really hasn't thought ahead or looked into it much at all.

He's largely just accepted that "Rumpus wants us to move to NYC" and moved on in thoughts.

So I get frustrated when I want to talk details about the move and interests and concerns, etc about moving there and at best I get these one-statement answers and then he starts to change to another subject because he doesn't have anything to say on that one.

I was, again, trying to get this sort of talk going and he did respond this time with a couple things worth taking in:

"I'm just not into all the planning and moving stuff... That's really what you're good at".


"I am a little concerned about our money while there"

He expresses trusting my judgement and will happily go forth with my plan to move their without ever double-checking my budget.... But he's human and worries a little when he doesn't know how things work.

So I told him I'd show him the budget I'd worked out and did so by making a Google spreadsheet of it.

It made him feel more secure that he'd seen what I was using to make my plans for us.

As for the rest of today, well, depending on if this beginning-migraine responds to the Tylenol I just took we may be doing a cutting while watching old movies. But right now I'm hot, have a horrible pressure and pain in my forehead and behind my eyes, and am getting a bit nauseated.

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