Monday, August 24, 2009

Packers arrived

Am waiting on Chael's deployment date. He'll be leaving soon for a year. In the meantime, we're spending oodles of time together and making plans for after he's back.

I have a meditation weekend coming up for Kriya yoga. I need the reminder of the asana sequence as I've forgotten due to falling out of the habit.

The two packers I ordered arrived today. I like the smaller one better... the 6" one is too long and flopsy, feels and looks silly to me. The 3.5-4" one I'm wearing right now seems right for a "limp dick". Not something I'll wear often, but great for genderfucking fun. Next month I think I'll order that STP from These two are made out of cyberskin material and feel fairly correct in texture and squish (especially the shorter one, the longer is a bit floppy and squishy, as mentioned), but are a little too light in weight for realism. Not bad for fun, though.

I'm so tired today, ugh.