Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Missing My Honey

Totally missing Chael this evening. I rarely miss people, so it's noteworthy when I do...

Looking forward to him coming up this weekend! We're mainly going to bum around Friday night and Saturday, then Sunday we're going to the pool party. He's owed a day off by his unit, so he's gonna see if they'll give him Monday so he can stay an extra day.

Last weekend was our 13th wedding anniversary Sunday and the whole weekend was lovely. We took a spontaneous trip to Austin and had awesome vegan food at Mother's Cafe, then visited a very neat (& uncomfortably casual) herb/magick/hippy shop. Then Sunday I got breakfast in bed, we went swimming, and later that night grilled veggie dogs to make Coney Islands.

It was so fun.

Oh, and a couple of cases of delightful sex.

Then, I trained to Ft Worth where I met up w/ Abusablepaintoy and we had a tasty lunch, then road the TRE back to Dallas together and hung out a short bit. A very nice wrap up to a very happy weekend.

So looking forward to my honey getting here on Friday.

Unrelated, but every now and then I think maybe I should make Chael's profile here more realistic/matching up with what mine says (I filled out and update both our profiles). But I get too much humor out of what his says every time I re-read and consider changing what I put there. His profile is basically a bunch of references to my own personal in-jokes about him and me. For now I'm still sticking with what makes me giggle vs. accuracy.

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