Thursday, February 7, 2013

Waiver, Decree, Petition

Got those forms by email today.  Gonna serve Chael tonight after he gets home.  We have a couple lines to fill in, then send it back.

If he agrees to sign the waiver (which I assume he will) we need to see a notary public to witness it.  I'm going to google our local ones, maybe we can get that done today as he gets out early on Thursdays.

Tummy-gripping morning due to this.  My Delta's are amusing me, so that helps.

Printed everything out.

Oh boy.


On a different topic, I also printed out a form from Social Security to have them start taxing me monthly on my benefits instead of taking a big chunk when doing my Federal Income Tax each year.  Turns out I can mail it to them (at first it looked like I'd have to actually go to the office to deliver it), so yay.

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