Thursday, March 11, 2010


Was a good day. Mostly, as far as actions go,at least.

I went to Smooth Solutions for a consultation and my first laser hair removal session (underarms). The people were friendly and it wasn't particularly painful... definitely not compared to other stuff I do, hair and not-hair related.

That damn cold gel they put on first was the worst part! lol.

Later Redeye42011 and -Lily- came over for a while and I put needles into Redeye with help from Lily. It was a nice little visit and playtime. :)

After they left I tinkered around a bit and then started getting some top drop... feeling melancholy and tired. So, I got myself around and went to yoga to see if that would stall it off. Yoga was rough tonight after such a big day but I did pretty good despite it. Unfortunately it didn't end my drop it just postponed it til afterward.

So, I spent some time laying down reading a book and generally doing comfort-cuddling by myself with the tv on.

As I said, the doings of the day were good and happy.

Unhappy, as some of my friends know already, is the state of my Jonesy cat. He's puking, not eating, and acting standoffish and old... when a few days ago you would've thought he was still only a year or 2 old; usually is bright eyed, runs around playing and chasing things, purrs if you so much as look at him, follows me around the house and curls up on me whenever I am still for a minute. Now there is something very wrong and the doc doesn't know what it is. I take him in tomorrow morning for another checkup to see if they can figure it out.

He and my spouse are really the only close family I have and have had for the past decade+. It was horrible losing Pixel last year, now I think Jonesy only has days left unless something changes. I won't be at AllCon much after all, I don't wanna be away from home if he dies.

So most everything planned for this weekend is off unless the vet has some new magic meds for him... I'm hoping they'll have some stronger anti-nausea meds for him than what I've been giving him now and he'll start to eat. We'll see.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Did a regular class today instead of waiting to do the other Intro class later at night. Was good. I didn't have to lay down at all, but did have to modify a lot of the postures.

But that's okay, I'm a newbie.

I got through it well, got a good workout and accomplished being there despite some anxiety.

I can feel it in my arms and just below my breastbone. Feeling a bit tired now, about 4 hours later. Should sleep good again tonight.

Drinking lots of water.

Jennifer from Sunstone left me a message checking up on me and offering any help she can give. She seems very nice.

Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the Intro A class since this one is in the morning and it should be a bit lighter, like the B class, than the regular classes; my body needs a lighter day to recup.

Heard a lot of joint popping in me today during class. Arms and back.

Feet were cramping a lot, too, during the standing poses. It's going to take a while for them to get stronger and to realign from the damage done from the surgeries. It kept interfering with me otherwise doing them, but that's going to be part of my physical journey and I expected to have foot issues so it's no surprise. I just look forward to when my feet get stronger and my balance on them gets better :)

Lying down inside the room before class today was a bit hard... maybe the hardest part of the whole time there! I was trying to relax and let the heat sink into me before class started and I kept having the problem I have meditating where my breathing stops and I have to re-start it... only when I'd restart the humidity and heat of the room would make me feel like I was drowning and couldn't get air. It was a similar sensation to being waterboarded (for those wondering, yes, I've experienced it).

Once I got up and was moving in class and no longer having my breath stop anymore the problem went away. It was just panicky during that pre-class time.

I guess what it comes down to is that I need to get my ass in gear and remember to keep that little part of me up on a high enough level when relaxing/meditating to keep my breathing going... I always forget and have to make adjustments *after* it happens a time or three. It's a flaw in my meditation that I need to work through.

On a totally different subject, should be having at least one friend over this week to play; probably with needles. Maybe two, if schedules work out alright. Yays for making friends.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First day of yoga

First day of yoga and I'm feeling it. Sweated my butt off, worked all kinds of muscles, and managed to do all the postures (some modified) without needing a break. I'm doing "hot yoga" at Sunstone Yoga near my house.

Theravada and yoga

I've long had a bit of a following to the basic Buddhist beliefs, as well as being Christian, but some things Chael said got me thinking some more about it. So I started looking into it and at this point it seems I've long been a Theravada Buddhist without realizing it. I'm not tied to that "diagnosis" yet, as there is so very much to read and find out, but so far in my learnings that seems the case. So I'm turning my study towards Theravada and ordering some books on it and such to see if that's right and trying, in general, to align myself even more with the "Buddhist Basics" of the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and the Five Precepts.

Today is an Uposatha (observance day, quarter moon) and for Theravada Buddhists that points towards following the Eight Precepts for the day. I am trying this. We'll see how well I do at maintaining them.

Also, on taking Jonesy to the vet the other day I found that almost next door to the vet a new Sunstone Yoga studio opened up -so it's quite near my house. I signed up for their introductory "10 days of yoga for $10" deal and am going to my first intro class in a few minutes.

I always love yoga when I practice it, but I never maintain a long, solid practice. I'm going to try again... my biggest problem is my social anxiety. I start out okay and then it builds up to where I can't handle going to whatever place I've been going to (yoga or other). I'm again working to do my best against this.

Went to the new tiny and cheap salon near my house and got my mohawk back. Wednesday they are putting in longer strips of purple and pink to set off the purple and blue coloring I have right now in it.

Time to go.