Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SELF and The Cure

I attended the Southeastern Leatherfest last weekend. It had its good points and bad points.

Best parts were Archer's and Elegant's demos, Miss Victoria's and Viola's demo, and seeing friends (to include piercing one for a special occasion, playing with two others -topping one, bottoming to the other, sharing one's birthday, and lots of chatting).

The Friday night carnival was quite cute.

Met some new folks who I hope to keep up with.

Then, after all that exhausted fun I went to my delayed birthday present of The Cure in concert. Amazing performance. I just can't express it, really. So good, that if I'd the money to spend so frivolously I'd follow them around the US to see as many shows as I could make it to. But that's just not realistic haha!

So tired when I got home that I had to call my domestic and post-pone our meetup to Friday or Saturday. I just needed to lay around and catch up on rest. In fact, am still tired but am getting back on track bit by bit. So much driving and doing and meeting and feeling in so short a time requires some recuperation, though it was entirely worth it!

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