Friday, February 27, 2009


Pixel had to be put down last Monday due to enterring shutdown (heart, pancreas, and kidneys) due to FeLV that we didn't know he had until a short bit before it was done. That is what the previous post's pictures are from: my & Chael's last visit with him before the doc came in to do it.

He'd only been obviously I'll since the day before, it was very sudden.

During those last minutes his head cleared enough to know us; he purred as best he could to our petting and words (he was on oxygen with pulmonary edema). When they started the 2 injections he gave one meow as the anesthesia took hold and we continued to pet and talk to him until the doc let us know the second injection had stopped his heart. Then we stayed a while longer with him before releasing him for cremation.

It was, and is still, very hard.

Wednesday we picked up his ashes and got Jonesy screened for FeLV. Jonesy is neg, thank god. We then got a little shelf for Pixel's remains and his toy piggy to sit on until we figure out what to do with him.

Bad week.

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