I went to Smooth Solutions for a consultation and my first laser hair removal session (underarms). The people were friendly and it wasn't particularly painful... definitely not compared to other stuff I do, hair and not-hair related.
That damn cold gel they put on first was the worst part! lol.
Later Redeye42011 and -Lily- came over for a while and I put needles into Redeye with help from Lily. It was a nice little visit and playtime. :)
After they left I tinkered around a bit and then started getting some top drop... feeling melancholy and tired. So, I got myself around and went to yoga to see if that would stall it off. Yoga was rough tonight after such a big day but I did pretty good despite it. Unfortunately it didn't end my drop it just postponed it til afterward.
So, I spent some time laying down reading a book and generally doing comfort-cuddling by myself with the tv on.
As I said, the doings of the day were good and happy.
Unhappy, as some of my friends know already, is the state of my Jonesy cat. He's puking, not eating, and acting standoffish and old... when a few days ago you would've thought he was still only a year or 2 old; usually is bright eyed, runs around playing and chasing things, purrs if you so much as look at him, follows me around the house and curls up on me whenever I am still for a minute. Now there is something very wrong and the doc doesn't know what it is. I take him in tomorrow morning for another checkup to see if they can figure it out.
He and my spouse are really the only close family I have and have had for the past decade+. It was horrible losing Pixel last year, now I think Jonesy only has days left unless something changes. I won't be at AllCon much after all, I don't wanna be away from home if he dies.
So most everything planned for this weekend is off unless the vet has some new magic meds for him... I'm hoping they'll have some stronger anti-nausea meds for him than what I've been giving him now and he'll start to eat. We'll see.
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